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About Rev Amanda

Amanda is a natural born intuitive medium. She has been successfully performing readings & soul guidance through a range of modalities.


A professional certified consultant, Amanda uses her intuition to offer clients guidance, encouraging them to move in a positive direction and face the challenges that may lie ahead of them.


The client receives detailed and highly accurate information & guidance that covers those aspects of life where most needed, in the direction of healing.  She assists in awakening the Soul’s consciousness to the Love & Light within.


Offering private individual sessions in many healing, clearing & spiritual techniques, Amanda brings her extensive experience and qualifications in the following disciplines: Certified Spiritual Response Therapy (S.R.T.) Personal Consultant; Akashic Records Consultant; Reiki Master & Practitioner (humans/animals); Astrology; Numerology; Acrophonology; Meditation; Chakra Balancing; Tarot/Oracle Reader; Candle Services; End-Of-Life Transitions.


A ULC Minister, modern-day Pagan, alchemist, Kabbalist,

divine metaphysician, teacher & mentor, she also offers

crafts, tinctures, potions, herbal/teas/oils blends &

specialty candle creations for healing, cleansing &



To learn more about services, scheduling & availability

(phone or in-person), visit the “Services” tab from the

menu above.


Many Blessings of Love & Light!


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